Days and times you can sign up for, and a few reminders about signing up for state meet this evening.
**Sign Up will go live at 8:00 pm on Tuesday, April 11th.
**These are the days and times you will be able to sign up for.
Friday, April 28:
Session 1: 7:30-1:00 *Admissions are to report at 7:15*
Session 2: 12:30-5:45
Session 3: 5:15-10:00
Saturday, April 29:
Session 4: 7:30-12:30 *Admissions are to report at 7:15*
Session 5: 12:15-5:15
Session 6: 5:00-10:00
Sunday, April 30:
Session 7: 7:30-12:30 *Admissions are to report at 7:15*
Session 8: 12:15-5:15
Session 9: 5:00-10:00
Tear Down: 9:00-?
**Every family must fill 3 spots. They can be 3 different sessions. The sessions can overlap. Your family could also have several people work the same session.
**Set Up/Tear Down: Each family was told they are to work 1 set up or tear down at either AWC or the state meet. At AWC, you were able to sign up for either of those spots. The names of those families that signed up for set up or tear down at state meet with be transferred over to this sign up. Please double check to see that you are in that list.
**If someone signing up to work has a last name different from the gymnast, PLEASE put the gymnasts name in the comment section.
**You can sign up for any spot that is available. Please refer back to the job descriptions list on our OGBC website.
**If you have questions, please contact Karrie Brown,, 586-876-8199