29 April 2018

2018 Team Banquet

Team Olympia Members,

Iron your capes and polish your shields...

Gymnasts received Banquet Superpower Fliers last week. They are due back May 6th*. Banquet checks payable to OGBC.

This year, OGBC would like to have our gymnasts showing off their SUPERPOWERS. We are having T-shirts printed for those gymnasts whose family RSVPs on or before May 6th, 2018. They will receive their shirt at the banquet. We understand this is a short window for RSVP's. However, due to the printing timeline for the shirts we will NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMODATE LATE T-SHIRT REQUEST. There will be no sample sizes available and we will also not be able to make exchanges for different sizes. Additionally, do not wear the shirt during the banquet.

Although gymnasts received a flier in their mailboxes, please consider printing the attached flier so that you are able to have it turned into the Golembiewski mailbox (located in the top drawer of the filing cabinet) ON OR BEFORE MAY 6TH, 2018. We don't want any gymnasts left without a T-shirt, so please be sure to turn the form in on time.

Attached to the flier put in the gymnasts' mailboxes was a paper mask and an envelope for coaches gifts*. Gymnasts can decorate/color these masks to showcase their SUPERPOWERNESS. They can bring them to wear at the banquet for some photo fun.

* If you would like to contribute for coaches' gifts to thank our coaches for all they do for our gymnasts both on and off meet season, please turn in the envelope with your donation by May 16th. Please contribute cash or make checks payable to CASH. Contributions should be in an envelope labeled Coaches Gifts and dropped in the wooden, OGBC payment box, located on the floor in the pro-shop by May 16th. We'll take care of the rest.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Brenda Golembiewski at: Brenda.g@olympiabooster.com.

Please see and print attached.

Brenda Golembiewski
OGBC Social Director


•  Team Banquet Flier

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