01 February 2019



Thank you to OGBC Membership

Dear OGBC Members,

The 9th Annual Athlete Warrior Challenge is officially in the books! It was a memorable weekend for many reasons . . . . . . .

  1.  4 Gyms set-up in 4 hours
  2.  Scoring system failure
  3.  New Scoring System implementation
  4.  Crazy space issues at the Saturday Fun Meets
  5.  4+ hours of Tear down

However, the most memorable part of the weekend was the incredible stage all of our gymnasts and guests were provided to showcase their talents because of all your hard work and dedication.

It was an honor to make this meet a reality by working side-by-side with all of you. The stories that were shared, the laughs that were had and yes even the tears that were shed made this all worth while.

You are simply the best group of volunteers! Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and manpower this past weekend. It was well worth the effort.

Although we will not host another meet this season, please mark your calendars for AWC 2020 (January 23rd, 2020 (set-up) - January 26th, 2020). We will be celebrating 10 years of AWC.

Thank you again!

OGBC Board

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