How To Sign Up for AWC Work Sessions
Sign Up Begins Jan. 9 @ 8:00pm
Sign up begins on Thursday, January 9th at 8:00 p.m.
Please do not wait as sessions will fill up quickly, and it will only be up for a few days. You will only be able to sign up for your family's meet sessions. To sign up for your family's meet sessions simply follow these steps:
1. Go to
* At the top right of the page, you will see some links. Click on the magnifying glass icon to "Find a Signup"
* Alternately, you can go directly to that page here
2. Search by Email
* In the Search By Email box, enter:
* Enter the random letters and numbers below this email in the box provided
* Enter as you see it (capital letter, small letters, numbers - but DO NOT put any spaces between them when entering them into the box
* Click "Search"
3. Click the link for the "Athlete Warrior Challenge 2020"
* This will bring you to the Athlete Warrior Challenge sign up page
* Please read the "Important things to remember".
4. Select Date, Time and Job to work
* From this page you will select the date, time, and job you wish to work
NOTE: Select one at a time as the system does not allow multiple entries at the same time
To select a date/time, find the date, time, & job you wish to work and click on the "sign up" button
NOTE: If there is NO "sign up" button for that date/time/job visible, this means that the session is full. You must select another option.
* This will then bring you the page for that session
- You will see a section that reads "Sign me up for:" and then the session box is below
** The first box reads the date/time/job of the session you wish to work
** The next box is the "available slot" - set up, work session, tear down
** The third box is the quantity - you will need to enter a 1 or 2
** The fourth box is the first and last name of the volunteer - this will be your name or someone that is working for you. You must inform us of the person who will be representing your family.
**NOTE: If the person working the session has a last name different from the last name of the gymnast, you must include the gymnast's name in the comment section. This will help us to correctly verify your families work sessions.
a) Remember each family is required to work the following:
- 1 set up session OR 1 tear down
- 3 work sessions - three people can work one session to get their commitment done if time slot is available
b) You are NOT allowed to work during the time your child competes; no exceptions
c) If you have someone working for you they MUST BE: 16+ years old, and able-bodied. The 14-year-old current gymnast rule only applies to in-meet jobs.
* Below this box, it asks you whether or not you are a member of signup genius. You will need to select the one that is appropriate. Sign Up Genius requires that everyone create an account
- If you are member select that and it will prompt you to enter your email and password
** Once you log in it will say "You are logged in as..."
** Below this there are two check boxes. Check the one that say "send me a confirmation email".
** This will send a confirmation of your session you signed up for.
** If you do not select this, a reminder confirmation will NOT be sent.
- If you are not a member, you will be required to fill out your name, email address and select a password.
** Below this there are two check boxes. Check the one that say "send me a confirmation email".
** This will send a confirmation of your session you signed up for.
** If you do not select this, a reminder confirmation will NOT be sent.
* Go to where it says "Additional Info:"
- In the box provided, please input the last name of the gymnast you are working for. This is required so that we make sure each family is credited for that session.
* Lastly, review to make sure all of your information is correct. If it is, then click on the "sign up" (red button)
5. Confirmation Screen and Return To Sign Up
* The next page is a "thank you" page confirming the session. To continue to make selections depress the "return to sign up" button - in red at the bottom.
- Again, you are only allowed to sign up for your family. This site is monitored and we will know if you try to sign up for more than your family session commitments.
6. Questions about my sign up:
If you have questions about your sign up, please contact Denise Russell at or 408-483-3515.
Yes. You will receive an email confirmation from Sign Up Genius ONLY if you select the feature - iCalendar. The email will come from "". If you do not select this option then you will not receive a confirmation email. You must select this for every session you sign up if you wish to receive an email confirmation.